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Posted By: Andrea Rodgers

Gluten is one of the most researched topics in nutrition. Why? Because many people have developed a sensitivity to this protein after experiencing stomach issues, acne, and unwanted abdominal bloating.

So what is gluten and why should you know about it?

Gluten is a protein found in barley, wheat and other grains. People are becoming more and more gluten intolerant because agricultural companies have added more protein into grains for nutritional purposes which in turn increases the gluten content. As we all know, too much of anything is never good. Our digestive systems have an issue breaking down and absorbing too much of this protein. That means undigested particles being left in our system to cause inflammation and other issues.

Common foods that contain gluten:
-Grains- wheat, Spelt, Rye

Gluten Safe foods:
If you sense that you may have an issue with gluten try cutting it out of your diet for a week and see if you symptoms subside. Hope this guide was helpful!

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