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Posted By: Andrea Rodgers

For strength gain or fat loss, it’s important to avoid fruits that cause high spike in insulin. This means, avoid simple and high glycemic carbohydrates. Excessive increases in insulin leads to diabetes, liver problems, insulin sensitivity, and creates an environment for bacteria.

At the same time, nutrients found in fruit and other natural food groups are important. So how do you include fruit in your diet in a healthy way without excess fructose?
  1. Limit your intake of fruit to about 25 grams per day, and you will still get those disease fighting antioxidants! Fruits lowest in glucose help muscle repair and replenish glycogen after workouts.
  2.  Know what fruits are lowest in fructose. This includes: lemons, limes, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, prunes and apricots. Most wild berries are lowest in carbohydrate and glycemic index.
  3. Know what fruits are highest in sugar. Tree fruits are known for being high in fructose including apples, bananas, grapes and pears.
  4. Fresh fruit is always best. Avoid ready-made fruit beverages, processed foods, dried fruits, sauces, and toppings. Often fruits in these have extra sugar, are concentrated, or are stored in syrup.

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