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Posted By: Andrea Rodgers

Balance and equilibrium are what we strive to find in our busy lives. Between work, family, friends, health and trying to keep our sanity, the only way to survive without pulling our hair out is through balance. Many of us find this difficult because there are just too many things to juggle. But I will let you in on a secret that will hopefully help with this issue. Your mind and state of being will create balance, only if you let it. Through calming your thoughts, thinking things through, and coming to the realization that you are not super woman, balance may come more naturally than you think.

In the world of yoga, balance requires focus. Like balancing on one leg during Tree pose or using core stability during Boat. I proudly give most of the credit of balance in my life to yoga and what it has done for me mentally. With all the honking, deadlines, appointments, and emails, I look forward to that hour after work that is dedicated to me and the beauty of silence. It is the best gift anyone can give themselves.

Balance is also at the very core of Via Privé Activewear. Our symbol — a modified Bengali Om — depicts an open, resting heart, which represents love and happiness, while its sideways resting position symbolizes peace and serenity, bringing to life the perfect balance.  We know that women who make fitness a part of their everyday lives are happier, more relaxed, and maintain greater equilibrium. Take time for yourself and see how balance will positively affect your everyday life.

As always, please feel free to contact me at with any questions or comments :)

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